Physiotherapy, also known as physio, is a method of treatment that includes rehabilitation, injury prevention, healing and the promotion of holistic fitness. Physiotherapy focuses on the discipline of movement to help treat the underlying physical problem that is caused by an injury or a disability and then work at restoring, maximising and maintaining their physical strength and capability.

There are different types of physiotherapy, and each therapy addresses a certain condition which will involve different treatment methods.

  • Geriatric physical therapy – in this treatment applies to older adults who suffer from age-related disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, incontinence, arthritis and loss of motion. The geriatric physiotherapist will customise treatment programs to relieve pain, restore mobility and make daily activities easier.
  • Sports physical therapy – this therapy treatment is aimed at helping an athlete to recover faster from training, prevent injuries and boost their sports performance. Sports physical therapists conduct tests that help them assess your fitness level and also identify your weak areas to improve the athlete's overall performance and reduce injury risk.
  • Orthopaedic physiotherapy – this treatment helps with back and neck pain, fractures, muscle strains and or sprains. Orthopaedic physiotherapists diagnose, manage and treat musculoskeletal disorder which may affect flexibility and a variety of motion.
  • Paediatric physical therapy – this therapy aims to diagnose, prevent and treat disorders such as birth defects, cerebral palsy, muscle disease and developmental delays which may affect children and teens. Paediatric physical therapists make use of exercises and treatments to assist children in regaining their strength and range of motion, improve motor skills and live a normal life.

Physiotherapy treats the following conditions:

  • Osteoporosis/Arthritis
  • Slip disc
  • Pregnancy-related pain in joints and muscles
  • Rehabilitation after surgery or broken bones
  • Knee pain
  • Stroke
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